Remote Montoring in 3 Simple Steps

See Activity
PC Tattletale shows their daily click activity. See when they use the computer and how much. Are they using it late at night without you knowing?
Makes Simple Movies
As they use the computer during the day PC Tattletale makes simple movies. Watch them to quickly see everything they did. It is like you are sitting next to them looking over their shoulder.
Watch From Anywhere
Yes! Now you can finally watch them from anywhere. Watch from a remote PC, iPhone, Andriod, tablet, and more. Watch them while you are at work or on a business trip.My child was involved in cyber sex with adult males posing as teenaged boys. PC Tattletale allowed me to put the Internet sex to an immediate halt.

Ruthie Tarwater Lima, OH
I really wish I had PC Tattletale last year or sooner. Last May, my 18-year was online video chatting with some friends. He had a gun and was playing around with it. Teasing his friends, he put the gun to head. They dared him to pull the trigger. He did and died instantly.

Bill Denny, Carrollton, TX
PC Tattletale has been just a great tool to open avenues of conversation with my daughter indirectly and inject some wisdom into our open conversations.

John Rand, Atlanta, GA